
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Tda 2.4

All pupils have the responsibility to a broad and balanced curriculum. This must also be back up by high-quality teaching and learning experiences. Schools have a duty to construe that totally pupils have equal access to the curriculum irrespective of their background, race, culture, gender, redundant need or disability. This is, not only the learning happening in the classroom, but everything which happens in the life of the school. Policies on inclusion and comparison of fortune can only be successful if they help to raise transaction and to promote self-identity and good relationships through the participation of all children and materialization good deal.Promoting equality of access to the curriculum will maximise the personal come acrossment of children and untested people. Equal probability does not mean treating pupils the same, but ensuring that the curriculum meets the man-to-man needs of all pupils. This involves understanding the barriers which exist. Interve ntion strategies, such as supernumerary support, can then be put into place at an too soon stage before children fall too far behind. High expectations, of all children, are fundamental to raising achievement. Participation involves everyone within the school.There should be opportunities to talk to children and their parents about all aspects of the school and the curriculum. This could include the development and the review article of school policies. Participation can be achieved formally through disciple councils and parents meetings. It may also take place in the classroom when children and young people can be asked about how they learn best, what works for them and what could be improved,. Schools must recognise and support all pupils access to everything that is happening in the school. This will promote a sense of belonging and self-esteem.When children and young people are able to participate fully, they feel valued for who they are and the component that they make. Th is can be achieved by acknowledging and reflecting diversity within the school in the methods of teaching and the resources and materials used. Children and young people must also have the opportunity to become independent learners. When they are able to make choices, and have chink of their own learning, children are more likely to be motivated and achieve their full potential. This gives children a feeling of self-worth and well being.

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