Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Organizational Psychology Paper Psy 428
organizational Psychology Paper Shanna Brookins PSY/428 12/12/2011 Organizational Psychology Paper Introduction Organizational psychological science is the study of a formal disposal and how individuals and groups act within that shaping in other words, the scientific study of the proceedingplace. The goal of formational psychological science is to help organizations function the best demeanor possible. This is achieved by helping citizenry understand their interactions with each other and create an environment where everyone can run together to accomplish fundamental goals.When an organization is successful, the employees have better concern satisfaction. In turn, this creates better productivity which allows products and services to be produced at a lower price. This savings can be passed along to the customers therefore having a positive effect on everyone. (Jex, 2008). An industrial-organizational psychologist studies different aspects of the work environment, such a s leadership, job satisfaction, on the job stress, and communication among employees. An industrial-organizational psychologist is brought in by organizations as consultants to solve particular problems.They apply research methods and psychological principles to improve productivity, perplexity and marketing problems, as come up as facilitate organizational victimization and change, and identify training and development needs. I/O psychologists often work for more than one organizational setting they whitethorn also contract to teach in universities and colleges (Jex, 2008). Two Sides of I/O Psychology The industrial side of I/O psychological science concentrates on organizational policies and processes that adjoin the employees on a personal level, it is sometimes called the personnel psychological science (McCarthy, 1999).Industrial psychology uses statistics, psychometrics, as well as quantitative tools to develop rating scales, hearing techniques, and psychological test. Th ese tests are utilise to measure skills for the purpose of hiring, placement, and promotion within an organization. In addition, the industrial side handles performance appraisals and feedback, as well as training and development (Industrial and Organizational Psychology , 2008). The organizational side of I/O psychology focuses on qualification the intimately of organizational performance.This focuses on interpersonal relationships at work, how individual differences affect an organization, leadership, motivation, team and group dynamics, and organizational change and development. In addition, the organization side concentrates on job satisfaction, attitudes, and relations with job stress such as balancing work and family (McCarthy, 1999). The ingestion of Research Research methods are use in I/O psychology to reaction question about wherefore employees behave the federal agency they do. Analyses of behavior in qualitative studies involve discussions of how people experienc e and go through events in their lives and can be a good means of generating hypotheses and theories of what happens in organizational settings (Ehigie, 2005, p. 621). Qualitative methods of research are used by I/O psychologist in organizational studies. I/O psychological may use methods such as test, questionnaires, rating scales, observation, ethnography and physiological measures to answer questions about behavior (Ehigie, 2005) Observation is a research method used in I/O psychology to understand employees shade and behavior.There are three observational methods that may be used, simple observation, musician observation, and archival data sources . The observational technique is best used when notice routine jobs that require apparent behaviors, for showcase waiting tables. This method cannot be used for jobs which require intellectual or cognitive processing for example making decisions or planning. In participant observation the observer may be a part of the event being studied. The police detective essential(prenominal) be able to ethically preform the job this method is used for job analysis.Archival data sources uses records or any form of data that exist, it is an important supplement to more conventional data collection methods. This method allows researcher to study issues that could not be studies in any other way (Ehigie, 2005). The Use of Statistics When data is collected by organizational researchers the data must be analyzed. The statistics, mean median, and mode are known to be the most common measures of central tendency. An average value of the item in the serial publication or some characteristic of members in a group is a measure of central tendency.Mean represents the average for an ungrouped data . The sum of the rates severalise by the total number of the scores gives the value of the mean. Median is the score or value of that central item which divides the series in incisively two equal halves. Mode is defined as the size of the inconstant that occurs most frequently in the series (Jex, 2008). Conclusion Organizational psychology can be used in organizations to assess job performance, training, and making hiring decisions. In addition, it can help employees develop the capabilities they need in an organization for promotions.Organizational psychology can also be used in an organization to explore why certain employees may not work well together, why some are not preforming well, as well as job satisfaction. Organizational psychology also may study why dissatisfaction is among certain employees and how it contributes to negative outcomes, such as turnover and absenteeism. Organizational psychology is applied through the human resources department or consultants. It can be used to assess any problem or issue that is related to work or careers (Industrial and Organizational Psychology , 2008) ReferencesIndustrial and Organizational Psychology . (2008). Retrieved declination 11, 2011, from AllPsychlog yCareers. com http//www. allpsychologycareers. com/topics/industrial-organizational-psychology. html Ehigie, B. &. (2005). Applying Qualitative Methods in Organizations A Note for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists. The Qualitative Report Volume 10 Number 3, 621-638. Jex, S. &. (2008). Organized Psychology. Hoboken,NJ Wiley. McCarthy, D. (1999, declination 8). I/O Psychology Overview notes. Retrieved December 10, 2011, from MTSU http//frank. mtsu. edu/pmccarth/io_ovrvw. htm
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