
Thursday, March 14, 2019

I’M a Unique Individual

Ronald m show upon Dr. St hitherto Dolgin ENG 101-111326 28 January 2013 Im a unique individual I believe Im unique because I was a maritime and Marines make up . 06% of the population in the United States of America. Being in the Marines changed me and the way I think, I went from undisciplined to disciplined, cowardly to courageous. I acquire how to lead people, train people, and inspired people. I know what its exchangeable to go to war, and to not moderate a choke from manoeuvre for 8 months straight.I know what its like to work 16-20 hour solar days in 110 degrees in the summer and 0 degrees days in the winter. Ive had 2,000 pounds of vehicle armor (belly pan) fall on my finger and didnt break one. The time I spent in Afghanistan was an experience that is severe to explain. It was good, bad, fun, miserable, thrilling, and boring. spirit in Afghanistan was work every day of the week, long hours with no incentives to work hard, exclusively you worked hard anyways.The onl y time we didnt work hard was when the sand storms hit because you could not see an arms length in front of you. Its impossible to breath in the storm. The sand is everyplace and gets all over you. The weather depending on the time of year could be hot as hell or cold as a Michigan winter day. I grew up in an environment that was bad, but not as bad as it could have been. My father was disgraceful and a drunk and still is a drunk. I saw in him everything I never wanted to be and I set out to do that by finishing school and joining the military.I wanted the intangibles the Marines offered me and they gave to me, but it was not easy and its not for the weak willed. I fought by dint of the despair that happens in boot camp. I never quit even after I broke my thumb on the first day of the tree day crucible event which I had to complete in order to become a Marine. I see myself as a warrior I have the training of a warrior but I disfavour confrontation and shy away from it. Ill do what I have to do in order defuse the situation, if my words dont work my fist will.I also see myself as an intellectual. I be intimate using my mind to solve problems. I believe common whiz is the most important intangible you can have Ive met track record smart people that couldnt think critically or independently. I do believe you can be unique and have numerous standard traits, for instance like you are born in standardized hospitals, you go to standardized schools, eat standardized food, and watch standardized TV. all the same with all the standardized things around us today, we can still retire our individual experiences and become unique.

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